Exxon Mobil has announced the introduction of Mobil Solvancer to the North American market. This product builds on Fluitec’s DECON technology to make removing varnish and other organic deposits much easier.
This is an oil-soluble cleaner designed for:
- Gas and steam turbine applications
- Compressors
- Hydraulic systems
It can be added to in-service oils to quickly dissolve varnish and organic deposits. This helps to maintain system cleanliness and optimize reliability. It has one of the lowest* treat rates in the industry, which can extend protection of equipment for more than one year, thus allowing operators to optimize overhaul-to-overhaul periods.
You can read the full announcement here.
If you are struggling with varnish, high MPC scores, sticky valves, or other contaminates in your lubrication systems, RIG can help. Reach out today to discuss specifics: 800-770-4510 or [email protected]